Here on Maui, we have a type of toad that can be a pet killer.

The name of this creepy creature is Bufo marinus, the common tropical toad.  Maui residents, including those here in Kihei, see these toads often at night.  

bufo marinus, poison toad in Hawii

When a curious pet decides a little taste might be nice, this toad secretes a toxic substance on the surface of its skin.  The poison often causes excessive salivation, and in some cases heart problems, seizures, vomiting, lethargy, and even death in extreme cases.

Curious pets should be kept from going after these toxic toads. Keep your pet close to you on walks, especially at night.  Even though not all pets will be interested, better safe than sorry.

 If you suspect your pet has tasted a poison toad, please call us promptly!