Is your pet kissable?

Or do you get stink mouth when you want a kiss?

Dental disease is the most common cause of halitosis (bad breath), and pets on Maui are no exception! According to experts, 80% of pets over the age of 3 suffer from some form of dental disease.

However, often it is invisible to the outside observer.  Dental disease, including dental bacterial infection, is estimated to shorten a pet's life by approximately 2 years. 

Using pet toothpaste, brush your pet's teeth like you would your own!  Other options are dental diets, enzymatic or scrubbing dental chews, antimicrobial mouth rinses, and dental sealant. Professional dentistry and anesthesia-free hand scaling are options we give our clients if your pet needs to get back to oral health!

Call us today for your absolutely free Maui pet dental examination and consultation!  We will show you exactly what you need to help your pet's oral health, and give you a tooth brushing coaching session with your pet.

 Help us put a dent in dental disease!